The Unit /Department provide clinical services by evaluating and treating people who have hearing and communication disorders. The speech and hearing unit identifies and measures speech and language problems with hearing impairments, without hearing impairments and other communication disorders in which speech and language impairments are seen. The unit prescribes hearing aids to the persons diagnosed with hearing disorders, diagnose and treat individuals with speech, language, voice, literacy & fluency disorders.
The major objectives of the Speech and Hearing unit are to impart professional training, render clinical services, conduct research and educate the public on issues related to Speech, Language and Hearing Disorders.
Services Available:
Different Types of Hearing Test done in the department/unit:
- Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE)- For Hearing Screening or to rule out hearing loss in newborn.
- Tympanometry/IMPEDENCE AUDIOMETRY: To rule out middle ear pathology.
- Brainstem Evoked Response Potential (BERA)
- Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR)
- Behavioral Observation Audiometry (BOA)
- Hearing Aid Trial
- Selection and fitting of hearing aids and ear molds
- Hearing Aid Programming
- Cochlear Implant and Auditory Verbal Therapy
B, Speech Language Pathology: Speech language Pathology is one of the major branches in Speech and Hearing.
- Evaluation, diagnosis, counselling and management of persons with various types of communication disorders,
- Evaluation of communication disorders include detailed assessment of clients with speech problems (such as phonology, fluency and voice disorders), language problems (such as delayed language development, Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Specific Language Impairments and Aphasia) and related disorders (such as swallowing and oral motor difficulties).
- Assessment includes starting from case history to assessment through Speech and Language Diagnostic Tests.) f
- Speech and Language Therapy
2.1 Child speech and language disorder:
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Intellectual Disability/ Mental Retardation
- Cerebral Palsy
- Specific Language Impairment
- Learning Disability
- Hearing Impairment
- Speech Sound Disorders Misarticulation
- Resonance (Hypernasality/ Hyponasality)
- Cleft Lip and Palate
2.2. Adult Speech &Language Disorders
- Aphasia
- Dysarthria
- Apraxia of Speech
- Demantia
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
2.3. Fluency Disorders: Stuttering & Cluttering
2.3. Voice Disorders:
- Puberphonia
- Spasmodic Dysphonia
- Vocal Cord Paresis
- Vocal Cord Nodules, Polyps & Cysts-
- Falsetto (High Pitch Voice)
2.4. Swallowing Disorders
Out- Reach Services: involves creating awareness, prevention, early identification and management of individuals with communication disorders. The services involve public education /awareness programs, conducting camps for identification of communication disorders, new born hearing and communication screening program.
Academic Activities:
- Short term Training Programs such as CRE for the different rehabilitation professionals who work as a team in the management of individuals with communication disorders.
- Internship program: for the Students of BASLP, DED, BED, MED- HI and ID courses.
- Orientation, guidance and demonstrations are provided to different professionals (PHC medical officers, special educators, teachers of special and regular schools, parents/caretakers of the differently abled, nurses and grass gross root health workers)
- Parent Training Program
- Design and conduct of basic and applied audiologic research
Future Long-term Programs:
- Diploma in Hearing, Language and Speech (DHLS)
- Post Graduate Diploma in AVT
- Bachelor of Audiology and Speech language pathology (BASLP)